Your Calling


The called did not ask for their calling, let alone actively search for it. This can be found most impressively in the book of Jonah. The very first sentence of the story is significant. “The word of the Lord came to Jonah.” So the story begins. Not with “Jonah asked God for a calling” or “Jonah filled out a questionnaire”. The calling Word of God just happens, without request, without warning. The call comes from outside, not inside. And as is well known, Jona's reaction is not exactly evidence of great enthusiasm. He tries to flee from God's call, Find your purpose and only through profound measures can he be persuaded to go to Nineveh to announce God's judgment on the city. A professor against a whole metropolis. That brings us to our last point.


Vocations are extremely rare. Only the modern mania for equality, which has lost all sense of the sacred and the outstanding, could conceive the idea that every person receives a personal calling from God. But when you consider the actual nature of a calling, there is no reason to be annoyed about the low probability of one. Let's face it, most of us have more than enough to do with our uncalled lives.


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